Friday 25 October 2013

'Gratitude is my only attitude."

I have been working through Gabrielle Bernstein's "May Cause Miracles" this week in hopes that I can be a better person for myself, my son, my hubby..everyone in my life. Mostly for me, though, if we're being honest (and there's nothing wrong with that). Constant pessimism, negativity, anger, frustration, irritation, lack of patience and feeling less than super happy on a daily basis is so difficult and draining.

Today's affirmation is "Gratitude is my only attitude", and it is so tough for me right now! My neck pain has reached an absolutely draining, agonizing level. I am in constant pain, probably an 8/10 on my pain scale. The only time that I feel "ok" is when I am laying down with a heating pad on my neck. Not even sleeping is restful anymore, because sleeping seems to re-aggravate the pain every single night. I'm slowly losing my mind, quite honestly. Maybe if I could take something for the pain, it would be more bearable but seeing as I can't, I feel pretty hopeless lately.

I digress...

What am I grateful for:

  • Being alive.
  • My body is strong. Though I may feel so weak and in pain right now, I AM GROWING A HUMAN BEING. It is difficult, and that's life. He'll be here at least by January 9, so it's only temporary. 
  • My supportive, wonderful and generally amazing boyfriend (and partner in life) who is so full of love for me and kindness. He makes life so much better.
  • My loving, helpful and kind family. I love them so much.
  • I have a well-paying job with good benefits, and I will get at least half my pay for an entire year while I'm on maternity leave.
  • Being able to take an extra month off for maternity leave to relax, rest my sore body, prepare for the baby and generally just clear my head.
  • Being able to spend just under a year with my baby.
  • My hubby being so supportive of me wanting to go back to school while I'm off (online courses), so that I can get out of this job and move on to something that I actually enjoy.
I am thankful for so many things. I need to push through the pain and constantly remind myself why I am lucky and why I should be grateful instead of angry and sad.

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