Tuesday 15 October 2013


My life has taken a turn for the wonderful and exciting! I am in a great place. It's all happening!

  • I am absolutely smitten with my prenatal yoga class. The teacher is an absolute doll, I adore her style of teaching and her energy. I'd forgotten how I feel when I am on my mat; wonderful, strong, energetic, at peace, happy and beautiful! It has really begun to improve my body image, moods, connection with my baby and overall outlook on life. Pregnancy has helped me appreciate yoga so much more than I ever have and I can not wait to get back to my mat after giving birth with new energy and strength.
  • My little guy is moving around quite a lot now. It started the beginning of last week during my yoga class, and since then he's been super active nearly every day. I have a feeling that I have lucked out with him; he is obviously strong, but he doesn't kick a certain spot too often. I feel him the most when I am stretching, meditating, relaxing or laying down to go to sleep. H
  • My hormones really kicked in last week! Wow. I experienced a roller coaster of emotions, mostly not so great. I will not allow a repeat of last week. Right now I'm focusing on happiness and positive thinking. 
Life In General/Baby Stuff:
  • People are giving us all kinds of wonderful baby goodies! We have been given so much that I am actually being very picky as to what we will keep. We have a large tote absolutely crammed with baby clothes already, and we have a lot more coming our way. I am so thankful for the generosity that people are showing us!
  • We've found a lovely home to move in to November 1st! I am very excited. It is a back split, so we have the main level and upper level of the house, and there is a young couple renting out the basement apartment. I am so excited to actually live above ground again! Bonuses: Dishwasher, our own private washer & dryer on the main level, lots of closet space, and very bright!
All in all, life is treating us well right now. I am at a point where I'm making a conscious effort to improve as a person. I am working on becoming more patient, positive and happy. I am not a fan of how negative and pessimistic I can be. I will explain that more at a later date!

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