Thursday 17 October 2013

Natural Healing

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt
After weeks of awful neck pain and headaches, I finally saw my chiropractor. We discussed my options, which are currently all medication-free and the idea of acupuncture came up. Without hesitation I said that I would like both acupuncture and an adjustment; I immediately felt anxious. Needles do not bother me, but I was worried about how I would feel after the acupuncture (nauseated, dizzy, etc).

The experience itself was alright. The needles are as fine as a human hair, so I didn't feel them go in or come out. They were placed all over my neck, one on the crown of my head, one in my right hand and one on my right forearm (that last one made my arm jump involuntarily!). As soon as I was left alone with my thoughts, I focused on my breathing and began to meditate. While I wouldn't call the experience relaxing, it was not at all unpleasant. My neck was gently massaged and adjusted shortly afterward, which loosened my neck up so much! I felt much more relaxed afterward.

I FINALLY slept well. Oh my goodness..I can't even describe to you how happy I am that I slept through the night. My neck is quite sore still, but it definitely feels better and more loose. My only real complaint is that my right hand & forearm are quite sore where the needles were; I'm told that's normal, though. I scheduled another acupuncture session and chiropractic adjustment for Saturday morning after my glucose screening (blood work). I think that as long as I eat between my blood work and acupuncture that I will feel ok. I will definitely need a nap afterward. Next week I'm going to get a massage as well, and those always help.

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